Wednesday 6 October 2010

Anatomy - Life drawing lesson 3


  1. Anatomy: Interim Online Review 05/10/2010

    Hey Justin,

    You already know what I think are the strengths of your creative development so far, so I won’t repeat myself here. Regarding your hybrid, I do have some thoughts. I’m slightly uncomfortable with the wings – simply because it seems a bit too easy – a bit too tidy even – that this blend of DNA should so conveniently create 2 wings; to me, they feel a little ‘bolted on’ as if at this point, your drawing a monster, as opposed to recording the ‘reality’ of your transformation. Just as Cronenberg’s mutant wasn’t recognizably a giant fly, so too might your metamorphosis be more ambiguous. There’s a deleted scene in The Fly when Jeff Goldblum grows another insect limb out of the side of his body, but it was wisely excised from the film, because, I suspect, it broke the ‘reality’ of his transformation. Somehow, those film poster wings of yours niggle me the same way…

    I thought it was interesting what you posted about ‘not wanting to look silly’; yes, the flamingo is, culturally at least, a rather absurd creature – and it’s pink, but I’d encourage you to dispense with prejudice and just follow the logic of your fusion. I notice you’re steering clear of the colour issue. I suggest you embrace it! What with the translucency of your naked skin, and the translucent pink of the bird’s plumage, you could ultimately look quite extraordinary!

  2. Now that you’ve been blogging a bit, perhaps it’s time to revisit the design of it and distinguish you and your work; Visit 2nd year Leo Tsang’s unit 1 blog from last year for an example of what a great ‘creative development’ blog can look like; the brief was a little different then, but the expectation of what a student can produce in 5 weeks was not. Take the time to work backwards through his posts. This is what a creative project at degree level looks like…

    Notice the control, restraint and general consistency. Nice.

    Nothing posted re. your essay proposal. Should I be worried? Get something posted asap and I’ll endeavour to take a look.

    A general reminder that, alongside everything else you need to have ready for crit day, you also need to submit an offline archive of your creative development blog. There is a way of exporting your blog as PDF via Blogger – which would be ideal for this purpose. Incase you missed the original post, Alan gives details here:

    And finally – now is the time to return to the brief; time and again, students fail to submit what they’ve been asked to produce – and how; usually because they haven’t looked properly at the brief, or haven’t done so since week one. Trust me on this; just take a few minutes with a highlighter pen to identify what is required, when, and how. Remember – non-submissions are dumb!
